Toronto Anime Con, originally called Toronto Anime Expo, was a bi-annual event ran by Hobbystar. The spring TAC or MTAC which ran on March Break weekend while the winter or DTAC was on either the first then second Sunday in December. Briefly in March 2004, it was known as Transformer Expo Anime Con which shared the fact most of the guests worked on both Tramsformers and anime as voice actors.
MTAC was also known for it's send up of Idol shows with their take, Cosplay Idol. The guest voice actors took their roles as Idol judges adding their satirical takes.
In the end, Toronto Anime Con was merged with Toronto ComiCon in 2012. Previous Toronto ComiConwhich dealt comics but has been expanded from just the comic fandom into one bi-annual events under the ComiCon banner.
So lets take a look back at these TAC events...